The Kanye west effect to me is to, is leaving everything behind that is holding you to follow your dream. Is being 100% convienced that you don't have anything to lose, that you are the best and that you have it in you. To some people he is an egocentric idiot, but to me he just another mother fucker just like you and me that had the guts to follow his dreams no matter what. He even dropped out of collage 'cause he knew he has something special, he didn't want to wait any longer. This is a good example of how convienced he was that he was going to make it, that to me is the KW effect.
How many times have we wanted to drop everything, become free and run towards our dreams? I think we all know we have it in ourselves, no matter what it is, we know that when we are in front of that mirrow and nobody is there but us, we see that we are unique, and that we have something stong inside, something that we have to achieve just to say I did it!
If you don't achieve your dreams, you'll be deprressed and I believe people can go crazy when they are fustrated, so ama go for it!
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo amiga, este post es maravillos e inspirador. Pienso que lo difícil es dar el gran paso de dejarlo todo por uno mismo, pero es lo que relamente se debe hacer si se siente esa necesidad, pq como muy bien dices el no hacerlo puede hacerte llevar una vida desgraciada. No es seguro que las cosas vayan bien, peroo nos podremos sentir orgullosos de haberlo intentado, y si sale bien pues ya ni te cuento. Lo que importa es estar feliz con uno mismo y con lo que se hace, pq así los que nos rodean también podrán ser felices. Inma.
ReplyDeleteque lindas palabras Inma, totalmente de acuerdo. Si total, equivocarse es parte de la vida. No todos las personas tienen los cojones para hacerlo, y esos son los primeros criticones... Así que vamos por nuestros sueños! eeeeeee